Lukas Irmler
Age: 36
Freising (DE), Marseille (FR)
2 times Guinness World Record Holder, 310m Polyester World Record Longline, 1st place at Highline Contest Kufstein, 96m Urban Show Highline Hannover (Worlds longest Urban Highline), 103m Highline Record, 1st place at the "Trick´n Slack" Contest Auerbach, 305m Austria Longlinerecord, 77 Highlines in Europe, Asia and North America
www.lukas-irmler.com www.facebook.com/IrmlerLukas
Since the very first day – my passion
Since 2011, after finishing my Bachelor of Science in Chemisty, i am a professional Slackliner and living the dream of traveling the world and realizing my dreams, pushing my limits and sharing my passion for Slacklining!
Since 2011, after finishing my Bachelor of Science in Chemisty, i am a professional Slackliner and living the dream of traveling the world and realizing my dreams, pushing my limits and sharing my passion for Slacklining!